Schedule a Demo with Pagefreezer

See how you can reduce the cost and complexity of compliance recordkeeping and eDiscovery.

In our discussion, we’ll:


Learn about your goals and challenges


Answer any questions you may have


Provide an expert recommendation on a solution that meets your needs

Our promise to you:

  • We'll respect your time — our demos are usually around 30 minutes
  • We won’t bombard you with unnecessary marketing emails

“The time it gives us to focus on more impactful work and the level of organization that it brings to our archives are great, but the peace of mind it offers is probably the biggest benefit. We know that the police department is protected and that we can provide the necessary evidence for every decision we make on our social media channels.”

– Tom Sullivan, Communications Specialist, Fort Worth Police Department

Why We Should Chat

If online recordkeeping is a current priority, you may be facing challenges that we’ve helped other professionals overcome. We’ve assisted 2000+ in accomplishing the following:


Responding quickly and easily to the FOIA and Open Records requests that government, public safety, and education organizations are subject to


Reducing the cost and complexity of eDiscovery by automatically gathering online evidence relevant to Legal Matter


Complying with recordkeeping requirements and simplifying audit requests in highly-regulated industries such as Banking, Financial Services, Healthcare, Education, etc.

Prevent a mad scramble for data when you get audited, receive an open records request, or need evidence for a legal matter. Talk to us and learn how you can benefit from automated online data collection and recordkeeping that replaces frustrating manual work.